health insurance of self-employed feature image

How Do I Get Health Insurance If Self-Employed?

Starting your own business brings both excitement and trepidation. Don’t let how to get health insurance if self-employed be a cause for concern.

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How Can I Find A Good Health Insurance Broker Near Me?

If only navigating health insurance were as easy as finding great take-out. It can be! Follow our tips to find the best health insurance broker near you.

Preferred CA - employees to disclose health issues

Does California Require Employees To Disclose Health Issues To Employers?

Learn under what conditions California employers can, and cannot, require their employees to disclose health issues. (Hint: The circumstances are rare.)

preferred ca - when an employee declines health insurance

What Happens When an Employee Declines Health Insurance From Their Employer?

Don’t take it personally if an employee declines health insurance through you company plan, but do take steps to ensure your company is not penalized.

preferred ca - what is employee group health insurance and why should i buy it

What Is Employee Group Health Insurance?

Small businesses trying to navigate through employee group health insurance options may feel like a ship adrift at sea. We can help you find your course.

preferred ca - health insurance broker

What Are The Pros and Cons of Using a Health Insurance Broker?

Learn why using a health insurance broker for your individual and small business insurance needs might be the best decision you can make.

Preferred CA - support the mental health of employees

How Can California Employers Support The Mental Health of Employees?

California businesses that want to retain top talent need to support the mental health of employees. Learn how to boost morale and mental health.


How Do I Buy Group Health Insurance for My Small Business Employees?

Preferred Insurance has answers for California small business owners who wonder, “How can I buy group health insurance for my small business?”

Preferred CA - why you should use a broker to get ACA and group health insurance in California

Should You Use a Broker to Get Group Health Insurance?

What are the advantages of using an independent broker to get group health insurance for your California small business? Five benefits to consider.

Preferred CA - Can my employees buy health insurance outside my plan?

Can Employees Buy Health Insurance Outside Our Company Plan?

You May Need to Offer Coverage To Employees, But They Don’t Need to Accept It. When your employees buy health insurance, they have plenty of options other than enrolling in your company’s plan. While many California businesses have a legal obligation to offer health insurance to employees (and many other companies do so voluntarily), the…

Preferred California - Flexible Spending Accounts

Are Flexible Spending Accounts Available In Employee Group Health Plans in California?

California employers can include flexible spending accounts to supplement their group health insurance plan benefits. How do FSAs work?

should you provide health insurance benefits to seasonal employees?

Should You Offer Health Insurance Benefits to Seasonal Employees?

Hundreds of California businesses anticipating the holiday rush wonder, are we required to give health insurance benefits to seasonal employees?